
System Features
CS-5200/5400 ADMINISTRATOR GUIDE, ISSUE 1.1 August 2005
System Error/Message Print
Page 251
A minor alarm sends a message to the primary Attendant and to Administrators, if pro-
grammed to receive alarms.
Each message record includes the following fields:
Sequence Number: This field shows the order in which the faults occurred. If there is a
skip in a series of sequence numbers, it indicates that a message was logged that is not
programmed to be printed.
Time: The Time field shows the time that the fault occurred. This field shows the hours
and minutes in 24-hour format as HH:MM.
Date: The Date field shows the date that the indicated fault occurred. The date shows
the month and date as MM-DD.
Fault Code: The Code field holds the associated number of the indicated fault. This
field is four characters in length and the first character is an “M” for messages or “A”
for minor alarms. Each of the different system faults that the system is capable of
detecting is assigned a unique number (M100–M999 or A001–A299) in the system
Type: This field indicates the following:
Alarms: The field shows “ALARM” for system faults that have not stopped sys-
tem operation.
Information Messages: The field shows “INF.” The condition requires no atten-
Warning Messages: The field shows “WRN.” The condition requires attention
because it may affect system performance.
Severe Messages: The field shows “SVR.” The condition requires attention
because it has affected or will affect system performance.
Realm: This field does not appear for Alarm messages. This two-character field indi-
cates the realm responsible for the message. The field will contain one of the following
DB indicates that the message applies to the system database. These problems can
often be fixed with appropriate database programming.
HW indicates the messages concerns the system hardware. Typically these prob-
lems are corrected by adjusting or replacing the affected hardware.
EG is indicative of a software error which will, most likely, require the interven-
tion or attention of an Inter-Tel software engineer.
Source: This field does not appear for Alarm messages. This two-character field indi-
cates the software source responsible for the message.
CP indicates that Call Processing is the source
OS refers to the Operating System
SS refers to the System Software
AL refers to a Voice Processing System link
The Text field holds a text message that identifies the particular fault indicated by
the record. This field is at least 40 characters in length and may extend onto subsequent
lines if necessary to present adequate information about the fault. The information
printed on an additional line is preceded with the character “+” to indicate the continua-
Auxiliary: When necessary, additional information may be printed as part of a message
on separate lines. This additional information is referred to as “auxiliary text.” To iden-
tify this text as pertaining to the previous message, each line is preceded with the