System Features
CS-5200/5400 ADMINISTRATOR GUIDE, ISSUE 1.1 – August 2005
Endpoint Feature Codes
Page 121
Call Forward If No Answer/Busy 358 Forwards all calls to another endpoint or to an
outside endpoint number if not answered
within a predetermined amount of time, or
immediately if the endpoint is in use.
Change Language 301 An endpoint user can change the assigned
language for the endpoint by entering the
Change Language feature code while the end-
point is idle.
CO Hookflash 330 Sends a timed hookflash over the trunk while
on an outside call (includes conference calls).
Conference 5 Connects from three to four parties in a con-
ference. A conference consists of any combi-
nation of inside and outside parties. (Inter-Tel
endpoints use the CNF button.)
Data 340 (Not used on single line endpoints) Allows
operation of a data device attached to an end-
point that has a PC Data Port Module and a
Modem Data Port Module (also requires a
modem-equipped data device).
Default Endpoint 394 This single feature code cancels account
codes for all calls following, Do-Not-Disturb,
manual call forwarding, background music,
ring intercom always, and queue requests;
restores handsfree mode, pages, hunt group
calls, and system forwarding; and returns end-
point volumes to default values.
Directories 307 (Display endpoints Only) Allows display end-
point users to search for extension numbers
or System Speed Dial numbers. The number
can then be dialed, if desired.
Display Outside Party Name On/
379 (Display endpoints Only) When the endpoint
user enters this feature code, while connected
to a CO call that has outside party name infor-
mation, the display will toggle between the
caller’s name and number. If there is no out-
side party name or the Expanded CO Call
Information On Displays flag is disabled, the
user will hear a burst of reorder tone and see
the Display Outside Party Name On/Off fea-
ture code is programmed in a user program-
mable button with a lamp, the lamp will be lit
when the outside party name is enabled and
off when the outside party number is enabled.
Display Time/Date (ITP)
Show IP Address (SIP)
300 (Display endpoints Only) Temporarily displays
the system date and time, username, and
extension number during a call or when other
displays are shown.
Feature code 300 displays the IP Address of
an endpoint if it is in SIP mode.
Table 19. Endpoint Feature Code Definitions(Continued)