Styles 5•5
The Accompaniment tracks
Auto Accompaniment tracks
In the Style/Preset mode, 3 tracks are assigned
to the keyboard and 5 to the automatic accom-
paniment. The accompaniment tracks and the
keyboard tracks can be changed in the same
manner and saved in the Presets (Style Preset
or Preset).
To view the Accompaniment tracks
Press the PRESET button in the EDIT section to
view all 8 tracks of the Style. The Sound as-
signed to each track is shown as the correspond-
ing Program Change number.
Press ESCAPE to close the Edit Preset display.
The Style tracks engaged by the sequencer cor-
respond to a specific part of the accompaniment,
while those corresponding to the keyboard sec-
tions are available for playing in real time.
The following table shows the default configura-
tion of the Style tracks.
Track Part MIDI channel
1 Drum 10 (engaged by seq)
2 Bass 2 (engaged by seq)
3 Acc1 3 (engaged by seq)
4 Acc2 4 (engaged by seq)
5 Acc3 5 (engaged by seq)
6 Lower 6 (free for real time play)
7 Upper 2 7 (free for real time play)
8 Upper 1 8 (free for real time play)
Default configuration of tracks and MIDI channels
113 15 29 26 50 50 49 1