ii Introduction
• Polyphony & multitimbricity
Maximum polphony: 32 voices. Multitimbric-
ity: 8 parts (Style/Preset modes) or 16 parts
(Song mode). Each part is assigned to a track.
In Style/Preset mode, 3 tracks (maximum) are
assigned to the keyboard and the other 5 to
the auto-accompaniments.
• Sound Generation
The Sounds are based on sampled waveforms
(PCM, Wavetables and Subtractive Synthe-
sis technology) and elaborated by a series of
macro functions. The instrument’s 32 oscilla-
tors generate “single” Sounds (32-note poly-
phonic) or “layered” Sounds (16 note poly-
phonic), depending on the number of oscilla-
tors used to elaborate the Sound (1 or 2).
• ROM Sounds
ROM (permanent memory) contains 4 Mega-
bytes of ROM Sounds, totalling almost 400
permanent Sounds and Drumkits.
• Sound Edit
PS1500’s macro-edit facilities permit rapid and
easy Sound and Drumkit editing to produce
edited Sounds (E-Sounds) which are stored in
the Presets. The modifications are stored in
the Presets to allow Songs, Styles or Presets
to load the correct sounds. You can also opt to
recall your modified Presets with original
Sounds instead of edited ones.
• Sample-RAM
PS1500 is fitted with a battery-backed Sam-
ple-RAM dedicated to the storage of Samples.
PCM Sample kits can be loaded into Sample-
RAM from disk, or can be recorded with the
PS1500 sampler, accessed via the Audio/Vid-
eo Interface.
• Digital Effects Processor
Two Digital Effects Processors, controlled in
real time, enrich the sound with effects (re-
verbs and modulations). Two different effects
(1 Reverb and 1 Modulation) can be assigned
to each Preset and an editor is available to
create user-effects which are stored in the
• 16 Track Recording Studio
The 16-track Sequencer includes a series of
functions that allow Style, Song/Style and
Song recording (real time system), playback
and editing. Also featured is a Text function
(to display Song lyrics). Song/Style record-
ing allows the rapd recording of an 8-track
song by using existing Styles. Sequence data
is conserved in the battery-backed System-
• Play All Songs, Chain
The Play All Songs function allows the direct
playback of all Songs or MidiFiles present on
disk without loading the data into memory. The
Songs or MidiFiles play as a medley which
you can stop at any time with the Play All
Songs button. Song/Styles and Songs fea-
ture the Chain function which allows you to
chain the Song or Song/Styles in memory and
play them one after the other with a single
• Automatic Accompaniment
Styles provide autoomatic musical accompa-
niment, consisting of 5 tracks. Every Style
has 4 Variations. Up to 16 disk based Styles
(User programmable) can be loaded and au-
tomatically stored in the battery-backed Sys-
• Disk Drive
Data can be stored on 3.5” HD Floppy disks
on PS1500 format (1.4 Megabytes - Ms-Dos
standard) or Atari/Falcon format (720 Kbytes