Basic concepts 3•1
• 3 Basic concepts
In this chapter, you’ll find information regarding
the principal elements that make the Pianovelle
PS1500 work, including useful information which
will help you to understand the structure of the
PS1500 offers three different play modes:
Style/Preset mode: to use PS1500 as a con-
ventional keyboard or to play with the auto-
matic accompaniments. PS1500 powers up
in this mode every time it is turned on. Press
the GRAND PIANO button to activate Style/
Preset mode if the instrument is set to a dif-
ferent mode. Select Styles from the Style
banks (Swing, Country, Rock, etc.).
Song/Style mode: to record the Styles with
up to 3 keyboard sounds and create 8 track
Songs to use as backings. Press SONG/
STYLE then select or record a Song/Style to
set this mode.
Song mode: to play Songs to work via MIDI
with an external sequencer to create 16 track
Songs. Press SONG then select a Song to
set to Song mode.
Note: Via MIDI, an external sequencer (or
other controlling device) has access to 16 PS1500
tracks at all times, regardless of the current mode.
In this mode, you can play with Styles, or use the
PS1500 as a conventional keyboard. If the auto-
accompaniments are playing, the Style mode is
on: if not, Style mode is off and Preset mode is
Real Time and Style modes have a Preset in
common. Styles can play up to 8 tracks at the
same time while Presets up to 3. Both modes
have identical Preset editing tasks.
Style Presets are always divided into two parts:
the first 5 tracks are associated to the auto-ac-
companiment, the remaining 3 are dedicated to
the keyboard (Upper 1, Upper 2, Lower).
tracks 1-5 contain... tracks 6-8 contain...
Auto-accomp sounds Keyboard Sounds
effects effects
Programmable drumkit
Tempo Tempo
Selected Style
Sounds and accompaniments can be recalled by
selecting a Style (from the STYLE GROUP but-
tons) or a Preset (from the PROGRAMMABLE
PRESETS buttons when Style Lock is off).
If you press Start/Stop when Styles are disabled
(EASY PLAY LED off), you will only hear the drum
track of the selected Style.