IBM Expanded Core Fonts Resident in the AFCCU Printers
The Expanded Core Fonts shown in Table 110 through Table 116 on page 180 are supported as resident,
scalable fonts. These tables show the valid Font Global ID (FGID) and code pages for each font.
XOA-RRL Replies for Font Character Sets: The resident font set supports a font character set of any
valid font width when queried as an individual font character set. When queried for a list of font character
sets, using Execute Order Anytime (XOA)-Request Resource List (RRL), the resident character sets are
reported with a font width of zero. A font width of zero indicates that the font is scalable. All of the following
fonts are scalable.
See Table 118 on page 181 for the code pages associated with these fonts.
Table 110. Arabic Expanded Core Fonts
Typeface FGID
Font Character Set
Boutros Typing Roman Bold 01A4 0420 04F0 1264 CZ4404
Boutros Typing Roman Medium 01A0 0416 04F0 1264 CZ4204
Boutros Typing Italic Bold 01AC 0428 04F0 1264 CZ4504
Boutros Typing Italic Medium 01A8 0424 04F0 1264 CZ4304
ITC Boutros Modern Rokaa Italic Bold 0903 2307 04F0 1264 CZH504
ITC Boutros Modern Rokaa Italic Medium 0902 2306 04F0 1264 CZH304
ITC Boutros Modern Rokaa Roman Bold 0901 2305 04F0 1264 CZH404
ITC Boutros Modern Rokaa Roman
0900 2304 04F0 1264 CZH204
ITC Boutros Setting Italic Bold 0907 2311 04F0 1264 CZN504
ITC Boutros Setting Italic Medium 0906 2310 04F0 1264 CZN304
ITC Boutros Setting Roman Bold 0905 2309 04F0 1264 CZN404
ITC Boutros Setting Roman Medium 0904 2308 04F0 1264 CZN204
Table 111. Hebrew Expanded Core Fonts
Typeface FGID
Font Character Set
Narkissim Italic Bold 0907 2311 04F1 1265 CZN505
Narkissim Italic Medium 0906 2310 04F1 1265 CZN305
Narkissim Roman Bold 0905 2309 04F1 1265 CZN405
Narkissim Roman Medium 0904 0424 04F1 1265 CZN205
Narkiss Tam Italic Bold 0903 2307 04F1 1265 CZH505
Narkiss Tam Italic Medium 0902 2306 04F1 1265 CZH305
Narkiss Tam Roman Bold 0901 2305 04F1 1265 CZH405
Narkiss Tam Roman Medium 0900 2304 04F1 1265 CZH205
Shalom Italic Bold 01AC 0428 04F1 1265 CZ4505
Shalom Italic Medium 01A8 0424 04F1 1265 CZ4305
Shalom Roman Bold 01A4 0420 04F1 1265 CZ4405
Shalom Roman Medium 01A0 0416 04F1 1265 CZ4205
178 Printer Information