Point Vertical height (number in 1/72 of an inch)
PPDS Page Printer Data Stream
PS Proportional Space Font
RB Roman Bold
RIDF Resource ID Format
RL Roman Light
RM Roman Medium
RT Resource Type
TYPO Typographic spacing (proportionally spaced, measured vertically in points [1/72 of an inch])
Fonts Resident in the AFCCU Printers
This section lists the resident fonts and code pages for the AFCCU printers: Infoprint 60, Infoprint 62,
Infoprint 3000, Infoprint 4000, and Infoprint Color 130 Plus. The AFCCU printers support the resident fonts
as Type 1 scalable outline fonts, depending on the PSF support. The default font is Courier Roman
Medium 12 pitch (10 point), using code page 500, version 2. The GRID for the default font is FGID=416,
GCSGID=1269, CPGID=500, and font width=120. The host equivalents of the AFCCU resident fonts are
shipped in the IBM AFP Font Collection and are marked PUBLIC, so that on PSF/MVS 2.2.0 with APAR
OW08340, you can use them to activate the printer resident fonts. You do not need to run any
APSRMARK jobs to mark them.
If the IBM AFP Font Collection is not installed, you can run the following APSRMARK jobs on PSF/MVS to
mark the host equivalents of the resident fonts: APSWMCPG, APSWMCR, APSWMHLV, APSWMTNR, and
Activating Resident Fonts in the AFCCU Printers
Use one of the following IPDS commands to activate resident fonts in the AFCCU printers.
Load Font Equivalence Command: The Load Font Equivalence (LFE) command maps font local
identifiers specified in text, graphics, or bar code data, to font Host Assigned IDs (HAIDs) and to Global
Resource IDs (GRIDs). If the GRID specified in the LFE command matches a GRID contained in the
printer, the font is activated.
Activate Resource (Load Resource Equivalence) Command: The Activate Resource (AR) command
(previously known as Load Resource Equivalence) maps Host Assigned IDs to global names of another
format. The format for the global name is identified by a resource type and resource ID combination. If the
printer contains a font that matches the global name in the AR command, that font is activated.
Table 109 shows the combinations of resource types (RT) and resource ID formats (RIDF) supported by
the AFCCU printers.
Table 109. Resource Type and Resource ID Formats
Resource Type RT HEX Resource ID Format RIDF HEX
Single-Byte Coded Raster Font X'01' IBM GRID X'03'
Single-Byte Coded Raster Font X'01' MVS Host Available X'06'
Code Page X'06' IBM Grid X'03'
Font Character Set X'07' Coded Font Format X'07'
Single-Byte Coded Font Index X'08' IBM GRID X'03'
Single-Byte Coded Font Index X'08' MVS Host Unalterable X'06'
Coded Font X'10' Coded Font Format X'07'
Coded Font X'10' IBM GRID X'03'
Appendix B. Font Information for IPDS Printers 177