Chapter 1. Introducing IBM Printing Systems Printers
IBM Printing Systems offers printing hardware and software technology. Printing Systems specializes in
print solutions for the enterprise delivering customized, comprehensive solutions that go beyond the
printed page. Printing Systems provides innovative, efficient, and cost-effective printing solutions that link
information with output across any enterprise, large or small, worldwide.
This publication is intended to help you identify differences between IBM printers and the software used to
drive the printers.
Printers Described in This Publication
This publication describes the following printers:
v Chapter 2. Network Printer 12 (4312)
v Chapter 3. Network Printer 17 (4317)
v Chapter 4. Infoprint Color 8 Printer (4308)
v Chapter 5. Infoprint 12 Printer (4912)
v Chapter 6. Infoprint 20 Printer (4320)
v Chapter 7. Infoprint 21 Printer (4322)
v Chapter 8. Infoprint 32 and Infoprint 40 Printers (4332)
v Chapter 9. Infoprint 60 Printer (3160–002)
v Chapter 10. Infoprint 70 Printer (2770)
v Chapter 11. Infoprint 2000 NP1 and RP1 Printers (2710–NP1, 2710–RP1)
v Chapter 12. Infoprint 2000–DP1 Printer (2710–DP1)
v Chapter 13. Infoprint 3000–ES1 and –ED1/ED2 Printers (3300)
v Chapter 14. Infoprint 4000 IS1– and –IS2 Printers (4000–IS1 and –IS2)
v Chapter 15. Infoprint 4000–IR1/IR2 and –IR3/IR4 Printers (4000–IR1/IR2 and –IR3/IR4)
v Chapter 16. Infoprint 4000–ID1/ID2 and –ID3/ID4 Printers (4000–ID1/ID2 and –ID3/ID4)
v Chapter 17. Infoprint 4000–ID5/ID6 Printer (4000–ID5/ID6)
v Chapter 18. InfoColor 70 Printer (3170–002)
v Chapter 19. Infoprint Color 100 Printer (3170–003)
v Chapter 20. Infoprint Color 130 Printer (3170–004)
v Chapter 21. Infoprint Color 130 Plus Printer (3170–005)
v Chapter 22. 4230 Printer (4230)
v Chapter 23. 4232 Impact Printer (4232)
v Chapter 24. 4247 Printer (4247)
v Chapter 25. 4400 Thermal Label Printer (4400)
v Chapter 26. 6400 Line Matrix Printer (6400)
v Chapter 27. Infoprint 62 Printer (4370)
Finding Additional Information About Printing
For more information about IBM printers and printing software, visit the IBM Printing Systems Internet
page at:
Advanced Function Common Control Unit (AFCCU)
The Advanced Function Common Control Unit (AFCCU) is the printer controller used in IPDS production
printers. The heart of the AFCCU is a RISC System/6000 processor devoted to controlling printer functions
and interpreting the IPDS data stream, and a set of microcode that runs on this processor. The same
microcode is used across printer models, providing common IPDS functionality. However, since new
functions are continually added to IPDS, newer printer models may have functions that were not shipped
on older models. For details on IPDS functions available on AFCCU printers, see the IPDS Handbook for
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