X–16 IBM Network Color Printer Operator’s Guide
cover, fuser oil 1–10
fuser oil 1–6
oil recycle 5–19
used toner 1–10
brush, density detection sensor cleaning 8–4
Busy light 4–2
button, release 3–3
See also
push button
cable, route power
tray 1 1–7
tray 2 1–9
Cancel push button 4–3
cancelling a print job 4–5
auxiliary tray
paper 3–6
transparencies 3–9
side output tray 3–13
top output tray 3–15
tray 1 or tray 2 3–2
carbon paper 2–3
cartridge, toner.
toner cartridge
cassette, paper
feature 1–3
tray 1 1–7
tray 2 1–7
See also
tray 1, tray 2
casters, printer stand 5–20
caution safety notice xii
changing a password 4–21
output delivery 3–13 to 3–15
paper 2–2 to 2–3
Clean Earth Campaign 5–13, 5–38
density detection sensor window 8–4 to 8–5
fusing rollers 8–5
paper feeder area 8–3
separation corona wire 5–39 to 5–40
transfer drum 8–3
cleaning belt, error message 7–6, 7–13
cleaning connector cover
removing 8–13
replacing 8–17
Clear Log/Queues Setup menu 4–11
CMYK, color lights 1–12
coated paper 2–2
collated documents 3–15
color density, adjusting 6–22 to 6–23
color distortion on printout 6–19
color light on the density control panel 1–12
color markers, toner cartridge 5–6, 5–8
color mode, setting from Printer Setup menu 4–16
color pages, printing 4–10
color problem on printout 6–19
COLOR SELECT push button 1–12
configuration page, printing 4–9
control panel
density control panel
operator panel
control push button
Cursor Position 4–4
Enter 4–4
Menu 4–3
Menu Scrolling 4–4
separation corona unit
corrosive gases, effects on toner cartridges 5–2
cleaning connector 8–13
developing cylinder 5–10
fuser oil bottle 1–10
paper guide 6–7, 6–8
photoconductor drum 5–14
top 1–6
cover page, setting from Printer Setup menu 4–16
paper 2–5, 3–8
transparencies 3–13
Cursor Position push buttons 4–4
cyan toner cartridge
error message 7–6, 7–13
ordering 1–4
See also
toner cartridge
danger safety notice xii
dark image on printout 6–14
date, changing in System Setup menu 4–20
DC controller error message 7–12 to 7–13
default settings, defining for the printer 4–11
deleting a password 4–13
density control panel
adjusting color density 6–22
location 1–9
parts 1–12
printing a test print 6–24 to 6–25
density detection
error 7–6, 8–4
cleaning 8–4 to 8–5
error message 7–6, 7–12
location 6–4, 8–4
density gauge 1–12, 6–26
description of printer 1–2
developing cylinder cover 5–10
diagram, wiring Appendix C–1