Length Max
Default = 48 The maximum number of characters in the scanned bar code.
Matrix 2 of 5
Checked Enable reading Matrix 2 of 5 bar codes.
Unchecked* Disable reading Matrix 2 of 5 bar codes.
Length Min
Default = 4 The minimum number of characters in the scanned bar code.
Length Max
Default = 48 The maximum number of characters in the scanned bar code.
Setting the Codabar Bar Code
Checked* Enable reading Codabar bar codes.
Unchecked Disable reading Codabar bar codes.
Checked Send any leading or trailing start characters with the bar code.
Unchecked* Disable the sending of leading or trailing start characters with the
bar code.
ON* Concatenation on, merges 2 Codabar bar codes into one.
REQ Requires there be 2 bar codes to merge into one.
OFF Does not merge Codabar bar codes.
Length Min
Default = 4 The minimum number of characters in the scanned bar code.
Length Max
Default = 60 The maximum number of characters in the scanned bar code.