Reading distance for the 2D Area Imager
Barcode symbologies are always measured in mils. This usually refers to the narrowest bar
width. One mil equals 0.001”, therefore a 0.01” wide narrow bar would be a 10 mil barcode.
Conversion: 1 mil = 0.0254 mm
1 inch = 25.4 mm
These charts show typical performance at 68°F on high quality bar code symbols.
The M71V2 Scanner LED
The M71V2 has a multi-color LED to indicate when the unit has scanned a bar code successfully.
When the scan button is pushed, the LED above the on/off button will turn a solid red. Once the
scanner has successfully read the bar code, this LED will turn a bright green.
This visual indication of a good read is useful in very noisy environments where the audio beeper
can not be heard. If the red LED turns off, it means the bar code can not be read.
Note: On units built before February 2004, there was only a red LED when an item was scanned.
Note: When the M71V2 is in sleep mode the scanner LED will be flashing red. You can press any
key to re-activate the unit.