Hosts Log-in Options
For each host server listed, you can add special options to make logging into the hosts
easier. While this feature makes it easy to log-in to a server, it also makes the server less
secure. The information entered in this screen is unique to each host system and must be
supplied by the local systems administrator.
In this example, the Log-in Search string (Lgn Srch:) is “login:”. This means that when
the Host Server sends this text string to the M71V2, it will reply with exactly what is in
the Log-in Reply string (Lgn Rply:) which is “rfgun\n” (more information about the “\”
switches is listed below).
The Password Search string (Pwd Srch:) is “Password:” and the Password Reply string
(Pwd Rply:) is “1JJ2ST\n”. Remember that these strings must match exactly including
upper and lower case characters or the system will not work.
The Command Search string (Cmd Srch:) is “hpux $” which is a prompt from the server
for what command to execute. In this example the M71V2 would respond with the
Command Reply string (Cmd Rply:) which is “./inventory\n”.
You can enter straight HEX data by preceding it with the customary “0x” as in 0xFF for
the HEX value of FF. You can send multiple HEX values by adding additional HEX sets
as in 0x120xBF0xFF for the HEX value of 12 BF FF. Octal values use the customary
\012 which is 12 octal.
Once the M71V2 encounters the “search strings” for the first time, it will send the
appropriate response. If the M71V2 encounters the “search string” again during the same
session, it will not respond. This is so the search string characters can be used in normal
screen displays.
The \n character string sends the new line (linefeed) character and is shown after each
reply string above. The \r character string sends a Carriage Return command and is not
shown above. In order to send a single backslash (\) character, you must enter two
backslash characters in a row \\.
These options can be set for each host server listed. You can input the same host server
multiple times, each using different log-in options.