tray renumber 173
PCL SmartSwitch (Infrared Menu)
PCL SmartSwitch (LocalTalk
Menu) 125
PCL SmartSwitch (Network Menu)
PCL SmartSwitch (Parallel Menu)
PCL SmartSwitch (Serial Menu)
PCL SmartSwitch (USB Menu)
PCL SmartSwitch, setting
See also printer language
infrared port 132
LocalTalk port 125
network port 190
parallel port 177
serial port 163
USB port 149
personal identification number
(PIN), entering 10
PIN 10
See personal identification
number 10
Pitch (PCL Emul Menu) 172
Point Size (PCL Emul Menu) 172
infrared 129
LocalTalk 122
network 188
parallel 174
serial 161
USB 148
PostScript emulation
font priority 167
font sample print 147
font support 69
image smoothing 168
printing PS errors 168
resident fonts 192
PostScript Menu 167
Font Priority 167
Image Smoothing 168
power saver
configuring 157
Power Saver (Setup Menu) 157
Print and Hold function
see held jobs 14
Print Area (Setup Menu)
Setup Menu
Print Quality 158
Print Buffer (Job Menu) 128
print cartridge
ordering 50
Print Demo (Utilities Menu) 146
Print Directory (Utilities Menu) 147
Print Fonts (Utilities Menu) 147
print job, canceling 12
Print Menus (Utilities Menu) 147
Print Mode (Color Menu) 143
Print Net<x> Setup (Utilities Menu)
print options
offset pages 138
print buffer 128
separator sheets 139
See also separator source
Print PS Error (PostScript Menu)
print quality, adjusting
color correction 141, 142, 143,
Print Resolution (Color Menu) 143
print statistics
job accounting 156
job accounting limit 156
printing job statistics 146
print timeout
configuring 158
Print Timeout (Setup Menu) 158
resetting 128
taking offline 9
with Menu button 9
with Stop button 10
Printer Language (Setup Menu)
printer memory option, removing
printer menu settings, changing 67
printer menus
disabling 65
enabling 65
locking operator panel 65
printer messages
Enter PIN 17
No Jobs Found. Retry? 17
printer system board 59
accessing 59
closing 63
printer testing
Hex Trace mode 146
print defaults 147
print hardware statistics 147
Printer Usage (Setup Menu) 159
font samples 69
menu settings page 68
problem solving
clearing operator panel error
messages 9
stopping printer 10
calling for service 45
cannot print with LocalTalk port
incorrect characters print 43
job didn’t print 42
job prints 43
from wrong tray 43
on wrong paper or specialty
media 43
large jobs do not collate 44
mailbox 40
frequent jams 40
operator panel 42
blank 42
displays black diamonds 42
cannot print using infrared
port 38
operating incorrectly 38
stops working 38
paper feed
frequent jams 41
jammed page does not
reprint 41
Paper Jam message remains
after clearing jam 41
print quality 33
black pages 33
blank pages 33
clipped images 37
ghost image of lighter text 37
gray background 34
incorrect margins 37
irregularities 34
paper curls once printed 37
print too dark 34
print too light 33
skewed print 36
streaked horizontal lines 35
streaked vertical lines 36
toner rubs off 36
toner specks 36
uneven print density 34
white or black line 35
print time seems long 43
tray linking does not work 43
unexpected page breaks 44
Protocol (Parallel Menu) 178
PS emulation
See PostScript emulation
PS SmartSwitch (Infrared Menu)
PS SmartSwitch (LocalTalk Menu)
PS SmartSwitch (Network Menu)
PS SmartSwitch (Parallel Menu)
PS SmartSwitch (Serial Menu)
PS SmartSwitch (USB Menu) 150