39 Complex Page
What this message means:
The page may not print correctly because the print information on the page is too complex.
What you can do:
Press Go to clear the message and continue printing the job. The job may not print correctly.
• Press Menu to open the Job Menu and cancel the current job.
• To avoid this error in the future:
– Reduce the complexity of the page by reducing the amount of text or graphics on the page
and deleting unnecessary downloaded fonts or macros.
– Set Page Protect to On in the Setup Menu.
– Install additional printer memory.
See also:
Setup Menu
4<x> Unsupported Firmware Card
What this message means:
The printer detects an unsupported version of firmware on the installed firmware card.
What you can do:
Turn the printer off, and then press and hold Go while turning it on. The printer reads the code
on the system card and bypasses the code on the firmware card.
• Remove the firmware card.
See also:
Setup Guide
51 Defective Flash
What this message means:
The printer detects defective flash memory.
What you can do:
Press Go to clear the message and continue printing. You must install different flash memory
before you can download any resources to flash.