
Chapter 11
Configuring JDBC Data Sources
After the WebSphere Application Server (WAS) is installed, but before the Learning Management System
application is deployed, resources must be configured. There are two types of resources that apply to the Learning
Management System:
environment entries
JDBC data sources
Configuration of these resources is done from the WebSphere Application Server’s Administrative Console. The
WAS Administrative Console is its administrative interface. To access the WebSphere Application Server
Administrative Console, launch an Internet browser and navigate to
Data source overview
The Learning Management System Server uses two logical databases in its operation. The first is referred to as the
default database. This database stores all core application data. The second is the audit database. This database is
required for application server operation, even if Auditing is disabled. It holds entries that record application
operations performed by Learning users.
The Delivery Server uses its own logical database. It is frequently abbreviated as DS.
In order to access these databases from WAS, the JDBC drivers for the database engine must be installed on the
WAS server machine. In some cases, this will require that a database run-time client be installed. Other times, a
single zip file containing the drivers can simply be copied into the machine’s file system.
The Learning Management System requires a JDBC datasource for each of these logical databases. The following
information explains how to define and configure these JDBC data sources.
Chapter 11: Configuring JDBC Data Sources 53