Chapter 5
Installing the WebSphere Core
To successfully run the Learning Management System, you are required to have the WAS (WebSphere Application
Server) Core installed on the desired systems. This can be a single server or multiple servers. The following
instructions explain how to install this component.
Note: For more complete information on installing WAS, refer also to http://www-
If multiple servers are used, you must install the Network Deployment module. Refer to “Chapter 10 Installing the
ND Module” for more information.
The following instructions explain how to install the WebSphere Core:
• For remote UNIX users only, set up X session for a remote install from a local Linux machine as follows:
1. Open a terminal window on your local machine.
2. Type # ifconfig Note your IP address;
3. Type # xhost remote_hostname + (where remote_hostname is the name of the host to which
you will connect in order to install WAS).
4. Login to the remote machine as the root user.
5. Configure the remote machine to use your local machine as its graphical display. For a remote AIX
host, type the following:
# DISPLAY=x.x.x.x:0 xhost (where x.x.x.x = the IP address of your
local machine)
For a remote Sun Solaris™ host, type the following:
# DISPLAY=x.x.x.x:0 (where x.x.x.x = the IP address of your
local machine)
• If necessary, unzip the WAS5 installer into a temporary directory (unzip must be installed on the AIX and
Sun Solaris machines for this purpose).
• Launch the installer by executing LaunchPad.sh (for UNIX hosts) or install.bat (for Windows).
Note: Before running .sh files in a UNIX environment, make sure that the “execute” permission is set.
• Follow the prompts of the install display, accepting its defaults with the following exceptions:
1. Choose “Custom Install.”
2. Deselect “Embedded Messaging” because the Learning Management System does not use Java
Messaging Service (JMS).
3. For Windows users, drop “\Program Files” from the install path of both the WebSphere Application
Server and IBM HTTP Server products. You may not need to install the HTTP server, for example if
you have previously installed IBM Directory Server 4.1 on the same machine.
Important Note for AIX and Linux users: The WebSphere Application Server installation contains the IBM
HTTP Server. AIX and Linux can also include an HTTP server. This server should be removed or
reconfigured before the installation of the WAS and HTTP server to avoid port conflicts.
4. Make sure that the Node Name (first field) for your machine is not a qualified DNS name, but that
there is an IP address or fully-qualified Host Name in the second field.
Chapter 5: Installing the WebSphere Core 13