
Chapter 20
Removing the IBM Lotus Learning Management System
The Learning Management System does not include an automated uninstall program. To remove the Learning
Management System component technologies (IBM Directory Server, IBM DB2 7.2, and IBM WebSphere Application
Server 5), use the Windows Add/Remove Programs utility in the Control Panel. To remove the Learning
Management System software from your system, you must remove each installed component manually.
Uninstalling the Learning Management System Server and Delivery Server
To remove the Learning Management System Server and Delivery Server enterprise applications from within
1. From the WebSphere Administration interface, expand Applications.
2. Click Enterprise Applications.
3. Select IBM Lotus Learning Management System LMM and IBM Lotus Learning Management System DS.
4. Click Stop.
5. Select IBM Lotus Learning Management System LMM and IBM Lotus Learning Management System DS.
6. Click Uninstall.
7. When the uninstall process has completed, click Save to save your changes to the Master Configuration.
Note: To uninstall the Learning Management System Server and Delivery Server applications from UNIX platforms,
use the same WebSphere procedure just described.
Removing the installed Learning Management System files
To remove the Learning Management System files from your hard drive:
1. Navigate to the install directory for the Learning Management System. By default, this directory is
X:\Program Files\IBM\lms, where X is the letter of your hard drive.
2. Delete the lms folder.
Note: To remove the Learning Management System files in UNIX installations, delete the correct directory in your
UNIX installation. The example above was given for a Win32 installation.
Removing the Learning, DS, and Audit databases
To remove the Learning, DS, and Audit databases from your database program:
1. Back up the database.
2. For an Oracle database, in SQLPlus, type DROP USER <schema owner username> CASCADE. For a DB2
database, connect to the database and type DB2 DROP DATABASE <database name>. For a SQLServer
database, connect using ISQL, type DROP DATABASE <database name>, then type GO on the next line to
execute the statement.
Note: These are destructive commands and, for that reason, a DBA is required to issue them.
Chapter 20: Removing the IBM Lotus Learning Management System 101