Universal Serial Bus Series Microcontroller
Product Specification (V1.11) 04.20.2007
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(This specification is subject to change without further notice)
b) Signal from P.92 changes to high, and Pattern Counter value bigger than R10
register value.
c) P.92 remains high, and the Pattern Counter value is equal to 0XFF.
d) P.92 remains low, and the Pattern Counter value is equal to 0XFF.
SE2 Pattern Counter Interrupt Conditions: If the Pattern Detection Application function
is enabled, there will be three conditions with which interrupt is generated and the
status flag RF[6] is set to 1(interrupt vector is 0X0001).
a) Signal from P.93 changes to low and the Pattern Counter value is bigger than
R13 register value.
b) Signal from P.93 changes to high and the Pattern Counter value is bigger than
R12 register value.
c) P.93 remains high, and the Pattern Counter value is equal to 0XFF.
d) P.93 remains low, and the Pattern Counter value is equal to 0XFF.
EP0 interrupt: When the UDC successfully accepts a setup transaction from host to
EndPoint0, the status flag RF[1] is set to 1. Its interrupt vector is 0X0001.
USB suspend: When UDC detects a USB Suspend signal on the USB bus, the status
flag RF[2] is set to 1. Its interrupt vector is 0X0001.
USB Reset: When the UDC detects a USB Reset signal on the USB bus, the status flag
R[3] is set to 1. Its interrupt vector is 0X0001.
USB Host Resume: When the UDC detects that the USB bus is no longer in Suspend
condition and without Device Resume signal, the status flag R[7] is set to 1. Its
interrupt vector is 0X0001.
IOCF is an interrupt mask register which can be set bit by bit. While their respective bit
is written to 0, the hardware interrupt will inhibit, that is, the EM78M611E will not jump
to the interrupt vector to execute instructions. But the interrupt status flags still records
the conditions no matter whether the interrupt is masked or not. The interrupt status
flags must be cleared by firmware before leaving the interrupt service routine and
enabling other interrupt.
The global interrupt is enabled by the ENI (RETI) instruction and is disabled by the DISI
8.9 Pattern Detect Application (PDA)
8.9.1 Function Description
This function is designed for the serial signal transmission, e.g., the transmission
between a wireless device and its receiver box. The EM78M611 has two sets of built-in
Pattern Detect Application block that ensures the EM78M611 is equipped with a
compound device, such as the receiver box controller for a wireless keyboard paired
with a wireless mouse.