Universal Serial Bus Series Microcontroller
6 •
Product Specification (V1.1) 11.22.2006
(This specification is subject to change without further notice)
6 Pin Description
Symbol I/O Function
P50 ~ P57 I/O
General 8-bit bidirectional input/output port. All pins on this port can be
internally pulled-high by software control.
P60 ~ P67 I/O
General 8-bit bidirectional input/output port. All pins on this port can be
internally pulled-high by software control.
P70 ~ P72
P76 ~ P77
LED sink pins
P76 ~ P77 will have an internally pulled-high resistor when the EM78M611E is
running in PS/2 mode.
P80 ~ P87 I/O
General 8-bit bidirectional input/output port. All pins on this port can be
internally pulled-high by software control.
P90 ~ P93
P95 ~ P96
General 6-bit bidirectional input/output port. All pins on this port can be
internally pulled-high by software control or LED sink pins.
P94 / Vpp I Input only. MTP program pin.
O PWM output pins.
USB plus data line interface or CLK for PS/2 keyboard.
When the EM78M611E is running in PS/2 mode, this pin will have an internal
pulled-high resistor (2.2KΩ), with VDD=5.0V.
USB minus data line interface or DATA for PS/2 keyboard.
When the EM78M611E is running in PS/2 mode, this pin will have an internal
pulled-high resistor (2.2KΩ), with V
When the EM78M611E is running in USB mode, this pin will have an internal
pulled-high resistor (1.5KΩ), with VDD=3.3V.
OSCI I 6MHz / 12MHz ceramic resonator input.
OSCO O Return path for 6MHz / 12MHz ceramic resonator.
MTP program pin. Used in programming the on-chip ROM. During normal
operation, this pin is connected to Ground.
V3.3 PWR 3.3V regulator output
VDD PWR Power supply pin
GND PWR Ground pin