Universal Serial Bus Series Microcontroller
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Product Specification (V1.1) 11.22.2006
(This specification is subject to change without further notice) IOCE (Special Function Control Register) Default Value: (0B_1101_0111)
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5
Bit 4
Bit 3 Bit 2
Bit 1
Bit 0
/Dual clock /WUE
IOCE [0, 1, 2] Port 5, Port 6, and Port 8 pull-high control bits.
0 : Enable
1 : Disable
IOCE [3] Setting this bit will allow the UDC to execute resume signaling. This bit is set
by firmware to generate a signal to wake-up the USB host and is cleared as
soon as the USB Suspend signal becomes low. It can only be used in Dual
clock mode when the USB suspend signal becomes low.
IOCE[3]: Device_Resume bit
In EM78M611, this bit is always ‘0’. It is not for use.
In EM78M611E, this bit is O.K. for use.
IOCE [4] Run bit. This bit can be cleared by firmware and set during power-on, or by
the hardware at a falling edge of the wake-up signal. When this bit is cleared,
the clock system is disabled and the MCU enters into Power down mode. At
the transition of wake-up signal from high to low, this bit is set to enable the
clock system.
0 : Sleep mode. The EM78M611E is in power down mode.
1 : Run mode. The EM78M611E is working normally.
IOCE [5] Watchdog Timer enable bit. The bit disables/enables the Watchdog Timer.
0 : Disable WDT
1 : Enable WDT
IOCE [6] Enable the wake-up function as triggered by port-changed. This bit is set by
0 : Enable the wake-up function
1 : Disable the wake-up function
IOCE [7] Dual clock Control bit. This bit is used to select the frequency of system clock.
When this bit is cleared, the MCU will run on very low frequency for power
saving and the UDC will stop working.
0 : Selects to run on slow frequency
1 : Selects EM78M611E to run on normal frequency