
Error Code Function
Repair Action/Possible Failing FRU
2602000x PCI Adapter
1. Move card to another slot (behind a different PCI
2. Check for available firmware updates for adapter.
Apply update if available.
3. Run AIX diagnostics on the adapter. Replace if
4. Replace the adapter.
5. Check for system firmware updates. Apply if
update is available.
6. Replace power supply
7. Replace system board (see note 3 on page 2-1).
26020001 Invalid PCI adapter
Vendor ID
Refer to 2602000x.
26020002 Invalid PCI adapter
Device ID.
Refer to 2602000x.
26020003 Invalid PCI adapter
Class Code
Refer to 2602000x.
26020007 Unable to allocate
Bus resources to
PCI adapter (partial
allocation may have
Refer to 2602000x.
28030xxx RTC Errors Notes:
1. Errors reported against the Real Time Clock (RTC)
can be caused by low battery voltage and (more
rarely) power outages that occur during normal
system usage. Most of these errors are only
warnings that the RTC data content needs to be
re-established and do not require any FRU
replacement unless the error is persistent. When
one of these errors occurs, the Power-On
Password and Time and Date information has
probably been lost.
To set or restore a Power-on password, use
the SMS utility.
To set or restore the Time and Date, use the
Operating System facility.
2. If the error is persistent, replace the battery.
3. If the error is persistent after battery replacement,
replace the system board (see note 3 on page
3-10 7046 Model B50 Service Guide