
Error Code Function
Repair Action/Possible Failing FRU
25A80xxx NVRAM problem Notes:
1. Errors reported against NVRAM can be caused by
low battery voltage and (more rarely) power
outages that occur during normal system usage.
With the exception of the 25A80000 error, these
errors are really just warnings that the NVRAM
data content had to be re-established and do not
require any FRU replacement unless the error is
persistent. When one of these errors occurs, any
system customization (for example boot device list)
information has been lost. The system may need
to be reconfigured.
2. If the error is persistent, replace the battery.
3. If the error is persistent after battery replacement,
or the error code is 25A80000, replace the system
board (see note 3 on page 2-1).
25A80000 Initialization failed,
device test failed.
Refer to 25A80xxx.
25A80001 init-nvram invoked,
Refer to 25A80xxx.
25A80002 init-nvram invoked,
some data partitions
may have been
Refer to 25A80xxx.
25A80011 Data corruption
detected, ALL of
NVRAM initialized.
Refer to 25A80xxx.
25A80012 Data corruption
detected, some data
partitions may have
been preserved.
Refer to 25A80xxx.
25A80100 NVRAM data
validation check
Turn off, then turn on the server and retry the
operation before replacing any system components.
Refer to 25A80xxx.
25A80201 Unable to expand
target partition while
saving configuration
Refer to 25A80xxx.
25A80202 Unable to expand
target partition while
writing error log
Refer to 25A80xxx.
Chapter 3. Error Code to FRU Index 3-7