Step 1540-15
Look at the FRU part numbers associated with the SRN in "Diagnostics Numbers
and Codes" in Diagnostics Information for Multiple Bus Systems.
Have you exchanged all the FRUs that correspond to the failing function
NO Exchange the next FRU that has not been changed.
Repeat this step until all the FRUs associated with the SRN have been
exchanged or diagnostics run with no trouble found. Run diagnostics
after each FRU is exchanged.
If a network adapter or system board is replaced, see note 3 on page 2-1.
Go to "MAP 0410: Repair Checkout" in the Diagnostics Information for
Multiple Bus Systems.
YES If the symptom did not change and all the FRUs have been exchanged,
call your service support person for assistance.
Step 1540-16
Select Task Selection.
Select Process Supplemental Media, and follow the onscreen instructions to process
the media.
Supplemental media must be loaded and processed one at a time.
Did the system return to the TASKS SELECTION LIST after the supplemental
media was processed?
NO Go to “Step 1540-17” on page 2-31.
YES Press F3 to return to the FUNCTION SELECTION screen.
Go to “Step 1540-14” on page 2-29, substep 4.
2-30 7046 Model B50 Service Guide