Chapter 4. Installing the Device Driver on the RS/6000 SP
In an SP, you need to do on each node what you normally do on a standalone
system. You must make the installation files available and then install them on all
the relevant nodes.
Perform the following tasks on the Control Workstation. You should not need to
to the individual SP nodes. You need to be familiar with the
command. If not, refer to the
Parallel System Support Program for AIX:
Administration Guide
Parallel System Support Program for AIX: Command and
Technical Reference
If you are unable to utilize the "dsh" command because of the setup at your site,
then you will have to telnet to each node and perform the steps below, omitting the
"dsh" prefix.
Check System Pre-Requisites
1. Log into the Control Workstation as a root.
2. Go to a temporary directory by typing:
cd /tmp
at the system prompt, then press Enter.
3. Make a "working collective" file containing a list of the relevant nodes on
which you want to perform the update in preparation for the dsh command.
Type the following, press Enter after each line:
cat > group1
export WCOLL=/tmp/group1
4. Test the working collective by typing:
dsh date
then press Enter. The results should look similar to:
nodename1: Wed Apr 1 1:37:46 EDT 1996
nodename2: Wed Apr 1 1:37:46 EDT 1996
nodename3: Wed Apr 1 1:37:47 EDT 1996
nodename4: Wed Apr 1 1:37:48 EDT 1996
Chapter 4. Installing the Device Driver on the SP System 4-1