IBM ARTIC960RxD Quad Digital Trunk PCI Adapter Internal Cabling
Multi-drop cable assemblies are used to connect the internal busses on up to four
Quad Digital Trunk PCI Adapters. There are three top card cables, RW, RX and RY.
RW is used to connect multiple IBM ARTIC960RxD Quad DTAs to each other as well
as other adapters with H.100 connectors, see below. Cables RX and RY are used to
connect Quad DTAs or other adapters that have H.100 connectors as well as
adapters that have SC-Bus connectors, see the following two pages.
These cables are just long enough to connect four adapters that support H.100
connectors in adjacent slots.
H.100, 4-Drop Cabling: The IBM ARTIC960RxD Quad DTAs have H.100 top
card connectors.
The following figure illustrates the internal cabling for the IBM ARTIC960RxD Quad
DTAs with the H.100 top card connectors cabled together. Up to four IBM
ARTIC960RxD Quad DTAs are supported and must be in adjacent slots. Refer to
Table 1-1 on page 1-3 to position the jumper on JP01 on the base card.
H.100, 4-Drop Ribbon Cabling
Table 1-2. H.100, 4-drop Internal Cable Information
Cable Name/ Description Part
m ft
RW H.100, 4-drop Internal Cable 08L1215 2877 0.127 0.417
Chapter 1. Installation 1-5