Features and Function
These sections describe the base adapter and the mezzanine card.
IBM ARTIC960RxD PCI Adapter—Base Adapter
The base adapter provides high-function control of I/O operations and serves to
off-load input/output tasks from the system microprocessor. The base adapter has
the following standard features:
An Intel 80960RD processor (clock-doubled RP) running at up to 33 MHz
(depends on the PCI clock on the system bus)
On-board memory, which is available only to the processor on the base adapter
and cannot be accessed through the system bus.
– 4 MB extended-data-output (EDO) dynamic random-access memory (DRAM)
– Flash read-only memory (ROM)
A 32-bit system-bus PCI interface
Two Texas Instruments TMS320C6201 digital signal processors (DSPs),
operating at a clock cycle of 200 MHz. Each DSP has 512 KB of
synchronous-burst static random-access memory (SBSRAM) and can process up
to 1 600 000 000 instructions per second.
A PLX technology 9080, which provides the 80960RD processor with access to
the SC4000s and DSPs using memory-mapped I/O and DMA access.
Two VLSI VP06967 SC4000 chips, which provide an interface to the H.100
connector. One chip provides an interface between the DSPs and the H.100
connector; the other provides an interface between the mezzanine card and the
H.100 connector.
An ECTF H.100 connector operating in SC-bus compatible mode
PMC connectors, which support attaching any mezzanine card with a PCI
mezzanine card (PMC) interface
2-2 Installation and User's Guide