Chapter 4: Element and Sub-Element Properties
52 Netcool/Proviso Adva Optical Metro Ethernet Technology Pack User’s Guide, Version 4.3-X
Adva Optical Metro Ethernet Device Sub-Element Properties
The following pages provide a reference of the properties that this technology pack provides. The reference pages
have the following sections:
• Description. The description of the property.
• Captured in Discovery Formulas. The discovery formulas that capture the property.
• Used in CME Formulas. The Complex Metric Engline formulas that use the property as input.
• Used in Reports. The reports in which this property is used.
• Used in Grouping Rules. Indicates whether the property is used by the NOC Reporting or Sub-Element
Collect grouping rules to organize and filter data.
The following pages describe the sub-element properties used in this technology pack.
A string that identifies the manufacturer of or some other information about the
network device to which the SNMP Agent element maps. For example, "Cisco
Systems ws-C5000".
sysName A string that identifies the name of the computer or server to which the SNMP Agent
element maps. For example,
"MIMC_Agent#2 Server MIMIC2".
Element Property Description