Appendix A: Configuration
196 Netcool/Proviso Adva Optical Metro Ethernet Technology Pack User’s Guide, Version 4.3-X
— Access to the SilverStream server.
— Access to the DataChannel server.
• Have completed the following tasks:
— Reviewed the release notes for the current technology pack.
Important: Release notes contain important information you need to consider before installing a technology pack.
They also contain information on specific patches that need to be installed before you configure a technology pack.
— Installed the current version of the Netcool/Proviso components, as described in the Netcool/Proviso
Installation Guide.
— Installed the Adva Optical Metro Ethernet Technology Pack.
Note: Installation instructions for a technology pack can be found in the Appendices of the Netcool/Proviso
Installation Guide (covers core and technology packs).
Upgrade instructions for a technology pack can be found in Chapter 3 of the Netcool/Proviso Upgrade Guide
(covers core and technology packs).
— Configured at least one DataChannel.
— Configured an SNMP Collector subchannel.
Configure the Technology Pack
To configure the Adva Optical Metro Ethernet Technology Pack, follow these steps:
Important: Localization is now done automatically during installation of the technology pack and requires no
manual steps to configure.
1. Load the DataMart environment.
To load the shell with the DataMart environment, follow these steps:
1-a. Log in to the DataMart server as pvuser.
1-b. Change your working directory to the DataMart home directory (/opt/datamart, by default), using
the following command:
cd /opt/datamart
1-c. Load the shell with the DataMart environment, by sourcing the dataMart.env file, as follows:
. /opt/datamart/dataMart.env
Note: After you load the DataMart environment into the shell, the PVMHOME variable is set to the
DataMart home directory, /opt/datamart by default. These instructions assume that this variable has been set.
2. Activate data collection requests.
During installation of the technology pack, all predefined data collection requests are promoted to the
database and set to inactive (that is, idle displays in the Active column of the Netcool/Proviso DataMart
Request Editor). You need to activate these predefined data collection requests using the Request Editor.
To set data collection requests to active, follow these steps: