Netcool/Proviso Adva Optical Metro Ethernet Technology Pack User’s Guide, Version 4.3-X 5
Chapter 2: Supported Reports
This chapter discusses the following topics:
The Adva Optical Metro Ethernet Technology Pack supplies a set of reports suitable for displaying information
about the devices and activity associated with the Adva Optical Metro Ethernet environment.
Reports contain metrics that are generated by the formulas that this technology pack provides. Metric names are
the same as the names of the formulas that generate them. For information about a metric that is listed for a
particular report, see the description of the associated formula in the collection formula chapter of this guide.
This chapter includes information to help you navigate to a particular report on the DataView portal. This
navigation path is the same as the path where the report has been deployed through the DataMart Resource
Editor. Note, however, that some reports are not explicitly deployed on the portal navigation path. You can
display such a report by "drilling down" to it from other reports.
For information about understanding report types, creating reports, configuring reports, viewing and working
with reports, and deploying reports, see the Netcool/Proviso DataView User’s Guide. This Technology Pack User’s
Guide assumes an understanding of the report-related topics discussed in the Netcool/Proviso DataView User’s
Report Reference
The following pages provide a reference of the reports that this technology pack provides. The reference pages
have the following sections:
• Description. Describes the purpose and content of the report.
• Reporter Set. The reporter set that the report belongs to.
• Tables and Charts. The types of tables and charts in this report. For each listed table or chart type, this
section shows how many of the given type that the technology pack implements out of the total that the
stylesheet provides. For example:
Tables: Resource Summary Table (1 of 2 implemented)
Charts: Resource Distribution Chart (2 of 2 implemented)
Topic Page
Overview 5
Report Reference 5
Reporter Sets 6