Configuring Preprocessing/Postprocessing Devices/Interfaces
This procedure lets you add, delete, or change specifications for preprocessing and
postprocessing device interface features. You may configure and store up to ten
defined preprocessing/postprocessing devices, each configured for either Printer 1
or Printer 2. But only three devices may be enabled for each printer. The printers
have three interface ports. These ports may be equipped with
Preprocessing/Postprocessing (Pre/Post) or Advanced Function Postprocessing (AF
Post) interfaces as shown in Table 22. Port 1 comes standard with a Pre/Post
device interface adaptor, and the following table assumes that adaptor is installed.
Table 22. Preprocessing/Postprocessing Interface Options
Port Configuration Options
1 Pre/Post Pre/Post Pre/Post Pre/Post Pre/Post Pre/Post
2 — Pre/Post Pre/Post AF Post Pre/Post AF Post
— — Pre/Post — AF Post Pre/Post
Port 3 is not available on Model ES1.
The procedure for changing your pre/postprocessor configuration follows:
1. Do one of the following:
v In duplex or simplex mode, SELECT the Configure pull-down menu on the
main Display Touch Screen window. You can work with all configured
preprocessing and postprocessing devices.
v In dual simplex mode, SELECT the Configure pull-down menu on the
Display Touch Screen window of the printer with which you want to work.
You can work with only the preprocessing and postprocessing devices that
are configured for that printer.
2. SELECT the Configure Pre/postprocessors procedure. You see the Configure
Pre/postprocessors window, which lists the device interfaces that are currently
defined and installed.
Chapter 8. Configuring the System 241