Contact your CE for replacement pads.
v Table 15 is a work sheet that lists IBM supplies and their part numbers. Make
copies of this work sheet to use when you order supplies.
Table 15. IBM Supplies Worksheet
IBM Supply Item
Approximate Forms
Processed (In Feet)
Part Number
Minimum Order
Quantity Needed
Toner cartridge 30 000 to 72 000 per
cartridge ¹
1402828 1 carton (6 toner
cartridges and 3 toner
collector bags per carton)
Developer Mix 850 000 per bottle 1402829 1 carton (2 bottles per
carton) ____________
Fuser Oil: 1-kilogram
(2.2-lb) bottle
800 000 per bottle 1372463 1 carton (1 bottle per
carton) ____________
Oiler Belt 1 200 000 per belt 1402827 1 carton (1 belt per
carton) ____________
Oil Pan Absorbent
See note above Contact Service
1 pad (1 pad per pack)
Fine Filter 1 200 000 per filter 1402826 1 carton (1 filter per
carton) ____________
Splicing Tape 45 feet of tape per
4165880 1 carton (72 rolls per
carton) ____________
¹ Yield depends on the contrast setting, print coverage form type, and environment.
Ordering Supplies
You can order supplies directly from IBM or from your Lexmark representative.
Your IBM representative can assist you in the procedure for placing your first
order of supplies.
Maintenance Supply Items
In the U.S.A., Latin America, and EMEA, the IBM Monthly Maintenance Charge
includes the fuser oil, oiler belt, and fine filter. Approximately a 90-day stock of
these items are supplied with each printer.
In the U.S.A., you can order these maintenance items by calling 1-800-793-5888 if
you have an IBM Maintenance Contract.
Customer-Replaceable Supply Items
You have these options for ordering supplies:
v You can purchase toner, developer, and other supplies through Lexmark. You
can contact Lexmark at 1-800-438-2468 or through any Lexmark International
authorized supply dealer.
v You can fax a completed order to Lexmark at 1-800-522-3422.
Chapter 7. Ordering and Replacing Supplies 177