Things To Keep In Mind When You Adjust the Print Position:
Print jobs with data closer than 20 mm (about 1 inch) to the fold perforation or
from the edges of the forms do not have the full adjustment range. For
example, if the job has data that prints 10 mm (about ½ inch) from the fold
perforation, the maximum amount that image can be shifted is 10 mm (½ inch)
toward the page perforation. If you attempt a larger vertical adjustment, Print
Error Marker (PEMs), which the host system turns on or off, can occur.
Note: The horizontal (H) and vertical (V) values vary depending on the print
resolution (PEL) that you selected for the printer.
How This Procedure Works:
Doing this procedure lets you change the point of origin on a page by adding
to or subtracting from the vertical and horizontal starting positions.
Figure 21 illustrates the default point of origin (vertical=0, horizontal=0). It also
shows the range of possible adjustments, which are not drawn to scale, when
the print resolution is set to 480 DPI. The maximum adjustment in any
direction from this position is about 6 inches.
Note: The InfoPrint 3000 printers show a range of either ±2880 for 480 DPI or
±3600 for 600 DPI.
What If the Adjustment Required Is Out of Range:
If more than 20 mm adjustment (from 0) is required, refer the application
owner to the Forms Design Reference for Continuous Forms Advanced Function
The vertical and horizontal adjustment directions are always relative to the
process direction (the direction that forms are moving through the printer). The
vertical adjustment moves the point of origin on a line parallel to the forms
Process Direction
Figure 21. Factory Set Default Registration
Chapter 6. Operator Responsibilities 71