Using the printer menus
Understanding the operator panel
Lines per
To determine the number of lines
that print on each page.
1...255 The printer sets the amount of
space between each line (vertical
line spacing) based on the Lines
per Page, Paper Size, and
Orientation menu items. Select the
correct Paper Size and Orientation
before changing Lines per Page.
specific factory
default values)
specific factory
default values)
To determine how text and
graphics are oriented on the page.
Portrait* Prints text and graphics parallel to
the short edge of the paper.
Landscape Prints text and graphics parallel to
the long edge of the paper.
To specify the font pitch for
scalable monospaced fonts.
(in increments
of 0.01 cpi)
Pitch refers to the number of fixed-
space characters in a horizontal
inch of type. You can select a pitch
from 0.08 to 100 characters per
inch (cpi) in increments of 0.01 cpi.
For nonscalable monospaced
fonts, the pitch is displayed, but
cannot be changed.
Note: Pitch is only displayed for
fixed, or monospaced, fonts.
Point Size
To change the point size for
scalable typographic fonts.
in increments of
0.25 points)
Point size refers to the height of
the characters in the font. One
point equals approximately 1/72 of
an inch. You can select point sizes
from 1 to 1008 in increments of
0.25 points.
Note: Point Size is only displayed
for typographic fonts.
Symbol Set
To choose a symbol set for a
specified font name.
10U PC-8*
specific factory
default values)
A symbol set is a set of alphabetic
and numeric characters,
punctuation, and special symbols
used when printing with a selected
font. Symbol sets support the
different requirements for
languages or specific applications,
such as math symbols for scientific
text. Only the symbol sets
supported for the selected font
name are displayed.
12U PC-850*
specific factory
default values)
Menu item Purpose Values