
A5 12
B5 envelope 12
C5 envelope 12
DL envelope 12
executive 12
folio 12
JIS B5 12
legal 12
letter 12
statement 12
universal 12
source, wrong 150
duplex unit 10
print media sizes 12
standard output bin
raising paper rest 39
using 39
Std Net Setup (Network Menu) 99
Stop button 69
print cartridge 122
print media 18
Substitute Size (Paper Menu) 78
conserving 120
print cartridge 121
Symbol Set (PCL Emul Menu) 91
system board
accessing 133
reinstalling the shield 137
taking printer offline 69
with Menu button 69
with Stop button 69
Test Pages, Print Quality 114
test printing
Hex Trace mode 82
menus page 82
print 88
wait 89
alarm 89
Toner Alarm (Setup Menu) 89
Toner Darkness (Quality Menu) 85
toner fog 156
transparencies 15
loading 37
linking 60
tray dial 25
Tray Renumber (PCL Emul Menu) 92, 95
clearing operator panel error messages 69
display problems 148
network problems
incorrect characters printing 158
job not printing 158
option problems
does not operate after installation 157
quits working 157
other problems
obtaining updated drivers and utilities 158
printer escape codes 158
print quality problems 154, 156
jagged characters 155
print quality problems, solving
background shading 156
black partial page 156
blank pages 156
blurred characters 153
faint images 155
left and top margins 155
light characters 153
light printing, but Toner Low message is not
displayed 154
missing characters 156
poor image quality 155
print too dark 155
repetitive spots 155
solid black on transparencies 154
toner fog 156
Toner Low message displayed 154
toner rubs off page 153
toner smears on page 153
toner smudges 153
uneven edges 155
unexpected characters print 156
vertical or horizontal streaks 154
white streaks on paper 154
printer problems, solving 147
printer settings 67
printing problems
flushing data while in PostScript 3 151