Understanding the printer messages
Understanding the printer messages
Close Door The upper front door is open or the
toner cartridge is not installed.
• Close the upper front door.
• Install the print cartridge.
Deactivating PPDS The printer is deactivating PPDS
Wait for the message to clear.
The printer is defragmenting the flash
memory to reclaim storage space
occupied by deleted resources.
Wait for the message to clear.
Warning: Do not turn the printer off
while this message is displayed.
Delete All Jobs
The printer is requesting confirmation
to delete all held jobs.
•Press Go to continue. The printer
deletes all held jobs.
•Press Stop to cancel the operation.
Deleting Jobs The printer is deleting one or more
held jobs.
Wait for the message to clear.
Disabling Menus The printer is responding to a request
to disable the menus.
Wait for the message to clear.
Note: While the menus are disabled,
you cannot change the printer settings
from the operator panel.
See also: Disabling the operator
panel menus
Enabling Menus The printer is responding to a request
to make the menus available to all
Wait for the message to clear, then
press Menu to view the menus from
the operator panel.
See also: Enabling the menus
Enter PIN:
The printer is waiting for you to enter
your four-digit personal identification
number (PIN).
Use the operator panel buttons to enter
the PIN you identified in the driver
when you sent the confidential job to
the printer.
See also: Entering a personal
identification number (PIN)
Flushing Buffer The printer is flushing corrupted print
data and discarding the current print
Wait for the message to clear.
Formatting Flash
The printer is formatting the flash
Wait for the message to clear.
Warning: Do not turn the printer off
while this message is displayed.
Message What this message means What you can do