Managing Your Pocket PC Phone | 69
Tip Turning off sounds and the flashing light helps conserve battery power.
To adjust the speed for scrolling
Pressing and holding NAVIGATION up or down (Up/Down control)
scrolls through the items in a list.
1. Tap Start > Settings > Personal tab > Buttons > Up/Down
Control tab.
2. Do one of the following:
• Under Delay before first repeat, move the slider to shorten
or lengthen the time that elapses before scrolling begins.
• To change the time it takes to scroll from one item to the next,
under Repeat rate, move the slider to adjust the speed.
To find the operating system version number
The version of the operating system on your device will be listed near
the top of the screen.
• Tap Start > Settings > System tab > About.
To get detailed device information
• Tap Start > Settings > System tab > About.
• The Version tab displays important device information, including
the type of processor and the amount of memory that is installed.
To change the device name
1. Tap Start > Settings > System tab > About.
2. Tap the Device ID tab.
3. Enter a name.
Note The device name must begin with a letter, consist of letters from A to Z,
numbers from 0 to 9, and cannot contain spaces. Use the underscore
character to separate words.