46 | Using Phone Features
3.2 Making a Call
With your device, you can make a call from Phone, Contacts, Speed
Dial, Call History, and SIM Manager.
Make a call from Phone
• On the Phone screen, tap the desired phone number, and tap the
Talk button.
The Talk button
Phone Screen
Tip If you tap a wrong number, tap the Back arrow (
) to erase
individual numbers one at a time. To delete all the numbers, tap and
hold the Back arrow.
Make a call from Contacts
• Tap Start > Contacts.
• Tap the desired contact, and press TALK twice (once to send the
number to the Phone keypad, and once to dial the number).
• You can also tap the desired contact in the contacts list, and tap
the phone number that you want to call. Or, tap and hold the
desired contact, and on the shortcut menu, tap Call Work, Call
Home, or Call Mobile.