158 | Using Other Applications
• Tap anywhere on the screen with your stylus and drag it to move
around the page so that you can view all the areas.
To enlarge or reduce the display size
1. Open a pdf file you want to view.
2. Tap Zoom.
3. Select a predefined zoom ratio, or
Page Width or Whole Page.
4. Tap Custom to set an arbitrary zoom
9.5 Using MIDlet Manager
MIDlets are Java applications that can run on mobile devices. Your
device supports Java 2 Micro Edition, J2ME. The MIDlet Manager
allows you to download Java applications, such as games and tools
that are specifically designed for mobile devices. Although some Java
applications and games have already been installed on your device,
the Java MIDlet Manager gives you the flexibility of installing and
managing additional J2ME applications from the Internet.
To install MIDlets from the Internet
1. Locate the MIDlet/MIDlet suite while connected to the Internet.
2. Select the MIDlet/MIDlet suite to download.
3. Confirm to start downloading.
4. Run the file(s) to install.
Note You can cancel the installation at any time.