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The temperaturecontrol inyour
newovenhas beencarefullyadjusted
to provideaccurate temperatures.
However,if thisovenhas replaced
one youhaveused for severalyears,
youmaynotice a differencein the
of browningor thelength of
time required when usingyour
favoriterecipes. Oven temperature
controlshavea tendencyto “drifi”
overa period ofyears and since
this drifi is very gradual, it is not
readily noticed. Therefore, you
mayhavebecome accustomedto
yourpreviousovenwhich may
haveprovideda higher or lower
temperature thanyou selected.
Beforeattemptingto havethe
temperature ofyour new oven
changed, be sure you havefollowed
the baking time and temperature of
the recipe carefully.Then, after
you haveused the oven a fewtimes
and you feel the oven is too hot
or too cool, there is a simple
adjustmentyou can make yourself
on the OVEN TEMP knob.
Pull the knob off the control shaft
and look at the back side. There is
a disc in the center of the knob skirt
with a series of marks oppositea
G Note position of
pointer to marl(s
before adjustment
Note to whichmark the pointeris
pointing.Tomakean adjustment,
carefullyloosen (approximately
one turn), but do notcompletely
removethe two screwsthat hold the
skirtto the knob. Hold the knob
blade in onehand andthe outer
skirt in the other hand.
Toraise the oventemperature,
movethe pointer inthe directionof
the arrow for RAISE. Tolowerthe
temperature, movethe pointerin
the direction ofarrow for LOWER.
Each mark will changethe oven
temperature approximately20°F.
Wesuggestthat you makethe
adjustmentone mark from the
original settingand check oven
performance before makingany
After the ad~ustmentis made,
press skirt a;d knob together-and
retightenscrews so they are snug,
but be careful not to overtighten.
Re-installknob on rangeand
.~:.~. ;
check performance.
Note: After an adjustmenthas
been made, the OFF and BROIL
positionswill not line up with
the indicator mark on the control
panel as they previouslydid. This
condition is normal and will not
create a problem.