Radial clock
Toset theclock, push the knob
in and turn the clock handsto the
right tothe col~ecttime.Then let
the knobout and continueturning
to OFF.
Minute mmer
The Minute Timer has been
combined with the range clock.
Use it to time all your precise
cooking operations. You’ll
recognizeit as the pointer which
is different in color from the
clock hands.
Toset the Minute Timer, turn
the knob to the left,
until the pointer reaches the
numberof minutesyou wantto time.
(Upto 60).
At the end of the set time, a buzzer
sounds to tell you time is up. Turn
the knob,
the pointer reaches OFF and the
Push in the center knob ofthe
MinuteTimer and turn the knob
in either directionto set the digital
clock numeralsto the correct time.
(The MinuteTimer is the large dial
to theleftof thedigiti clock.)After
settingthe clock, let the knob out
and turn the Minute Timer pointer
to OFF.
Minute mmer
To set the Minute Timer, turn the
center knob clockwise,
untilthe pointerreaches
the number of minutes you want to
time (up to 60).
At the end of the set time, a buzzer
sounds to tell you time is up. Turn
the knob,
withoutpushingin, until
the pointer reaches OFF and the
buzzer stops.
This Timer will automaticallystart
and stopyour ovenfor you. Here’s
what YOUdo:
1. Make sure bothyour rangeclock
andthe STARTdialshowthecorrect
time of day.
2. Set the STARTcontrol. Push in
andturn the STARTknobtothe time
youwantthe ovento turn on. of you
w-antitto startoperatingimmediately,
do not set the STARTtime.)
3. Set the STOPcontrol, Push in
and turn the STOPknob to the time
you wantthe ovento turn itself off.
Note: There must beat least a
half-hour difference between the
STARTand STOP dials for the
automatic control to work.
% Set the OVEN SET knob to
TEMP knob to the desired oven
The oven will turn itself o~~
immediately, or at a later
time that you set if you have set
the START control. It will operate
at the temperature you selected,
and it will turn itself off at the
STOP time you have set.
After oven operation is completed.
be sure to
ttlrn the G{EFJ TEldP
and OX=ENSET knobs to OFF.
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