Theholes in the burners mustbe
keptclean at all times forproper
i~nition and an even, unham~er~d
~lean the burners routinely and
es~ecially after bad s~illo~ers
\vhich could clog these holes.
Burners lift out for cleaning.
Note: Two screwshold each burner
pair in place to keep them from
wobblingaround during ship~ment.
Removeand discard the shipping
screwsand lift the burners up and
out. This disengagestherrlfrom the
mountingbracket under each
burner pair.
Toremove burned-on food, soak
the burner in a solution of a product
usecifor cleaningthe insideofcoffee
makers. Soak the burner for 20 to
30 minutes. lf the food doesn’t
rinse off completely, scrub it with
soap and water or a mild abrasive
cleanser and a damp cloth.
Do not attempt to clean burners in
an automatic dishwasher. Loosened
foodsoil can clog burner holes,
:~ndthe caustic action of the
dishwasher detergent can damage
[hebulner heads.
Bef{>reputting the burner back, dry
it thoroughly by setting it in a warm
~>ven for SO minutes. Then place it
I)acki~~the range, making sure it is
~}roper~yseated on the mounting
~lr:~ckctand is level.
I / I
Removethe gratesand lift out the
chromedrip pans. Washthem in
hot, soapywater. Rinsethem with
clean, hot water and polish them
dry with a cloth. Never use
abrasivecleaner or steel wool—
they’llscratch the surface. Instead,
soak the drip pans for about20
minutesin slightlydiluted liquid
cleanser or mild solution of
ammoniaand water (1/2cup of
ammoniato one gallon of water).
Afier soaking, wash them in hot,
soapywater. Rinse with clean water
and polish with a clean, soft cloth.
Do not attempt to clean the drip
pans in the self-cleaningoven.
When replacing
drip pans, the
notch on the rear
pan and the notch
on the front pan
should meet in
the middle. +
Lift-up cookto~l
Clean the area under thecooktop
often. Built-upsoil, especially
grease, may catchfire.
Tomake cleaningeasier, the entire
cooktopmaybe liftedup and
supportedby lockingarms that
catch and hold the topwhen it’sall
the wayup.
Be sure ail burners are turned off
before raisingthe eooktop. Then
removethe gratesand drip pans,
grasp the front sides of the cooktop
and lift.
After cleaning under the cooktop
with hot, mild soapywater and a
clean cloth, put the cooktopback in
place. Lift up a littleto release the
locking arms and push them in
while guiding the top back down.
Be carefulnot to pinch your fingers.
Broiler Pan & Rack
After broiling, removethe broiler
rack and carefully pour off the
grease. Washand rinse the pan
and rack in hot, soapy water.
If food has burned on, sprinMe the
broiler rack whalehot with detergent
and cover with wetpaper towelsor
a dish cloth. Burned-on foods will
then soak loose while the meal is
being served.
Do not store a soiled broiler pan
and rack in the oven. Never attempt
to clean them in the ovenduring the
self-cleaning cycle.