
63-4368 24
nvoError Field Description
errSubBaseVerMisMatch Sub-base/cover firmware mismatch.
0: Sub-base and cover firmware are compatible. (power up value)
1: The firmware version in the sub-base is unable to communicate correctly with the firmware
version of the cover assembly. The cover assembly Public Interface number of the sub-base is not
compatible with the Public Interface number of the sub-base. That is nroT7350Ver.commVer does
not match the version supported by the sub-base. Communications with the sub-base is turned
errNviSpaceTemp nviSpaceTemp network variable is:
0: either not bound or is bound and being updated periodically (power up value)
1: bound and not being updated periodically (communications or source node failure)
errNviOccSchedule nviOccSchedule network variable is:
0: either not bound or is bound and being updated periodically (power up value)
1: bound and not being updated periodically (communications or source node failure).
errNviOccSensor nviOccSensor network variable is:
0: either not bound or is bound and being updated periodically (power up value)
1: bound and not being updated periodically (communications or source node failure)
errNviApplicMode nviApplicMode network variable is:
0: either not bound or is bound and being updated periodically (power up value)
1: bound and not being updated periodically (communications or source node failure)
errNviOutdoorTemp nviOutdoorTemp network variable is:
0: either not bound or is bound and being updated periodically (power up value)
1: bound and not being updated periodically (communications or source node failure)
errNviSpaceRH nviSpaceRH network variable is:
0: either not bound or is bound and being updated periodically (power up value)
1: bound and not being updated periodically (communications or source node failure)
errNviBypass nviBypass network variable is:
0: either not bound or is bound and being updated periodically (power up value)
1: bound and not being updated periodically (communications or source node failure)
errNviDlcShed nviDlcShed (Demand Limit Control Shed signal) network variable is:
0: either not bound or is bound and being updated periodically (power up value)
1: bound and not being updated periodically (communications or source node failure)
Table 16.
Reporting T7350H Errors. (Continued)
T7350H errors are reported through the manufacturer defined output network variable, nvoError.