22 Process Instrument Explorer Configuration Software User Manual 03/06
4.6 Transfer Descriptive File (PC only)
Lets you transfer a new 16-character descriptive file from the desktop/laptop to the
Pocket PC. (Descriptive files are provided by Honeywell.) See Enable Descriptive Name
Step Action
1 Select Transfer Descriptive File from the Services menu.
2 Browse to the new file. These files will be sent by factory or through the internet or email.
Select the file from the location it was saved after downloading it from the internet or email;
there is no specific extension for descriptive files. P.I.E. will verify whether the selected file is
4.7 Transfer Healthwatch Data (Pocket PC only, UDC3500 only)
For future release. Lets you transfer an instrument’s previously saved Healthwatch data
from the Pocket PC to the desktop/laptop. This data is saved with .CSV (Comma
Separated Values) extension. Since the Pocket PC does not have a .CSV file viewer and
it cannot be opened in Pocket Excel, the saved .CSV file can be transferred to the
Desktop PC and viewed through any of the standard viewers that support .CSV format.
Step Action
1 Select Transfer Healthwatch Data from the Services menu.
2 Browse to the Healthwatch file you want to transfer.
Default file is "UDCXXXXvNN_HWm.csv" where:
XXXX is device model (2500)
NN is firmware version (01,02,...)
m is m'th instance of the healthwatch saved.
You will have the choice to modify this name.
Example: UDC2500v01_HW2.csv would be the default name for the second instance of the
Healthwatch file when saved for a 2500 unit with firmware version '01'.
4.8 Enable Descriptive Name Support
When enabled, Descriptive Name uses 16 characters to describe your configuration
groups, functions and parameters in more detail than the instrument’s 8-character display.
The descriptive names come from the descriptive file.
Step Action
1 To enable, check Enable Descriptive Name Support from the Services menu. Groups,
functions and parameters will be displayed in detail.
2 To disable, uncheck. Groups, functions and parameters will be displayed in abbreviated