
16 Process Instrument Explorer Configuration Software User Manual 03/06
3.1.7 Infrared checklist
Check the following before using infrared communications.
Infrared transmitter (Cable or Pocket PC)
- The Infrared transmitter is pointed directly at the process instrument’s Infrared port.
- The Infrared transmitter is located no more than 0.3 meters (1 foot) away from the
process instrument.
Process instrument:
- The process instrument is configured with an Infrared port (Infrared on the UDC2500
is optional; Non Infrared units can be configured using the test jack port, RS485 or
- The process instrument’s device address must match the device address in the P.I.E.
Communications Setup.
- The process instrument’s Infrared port must be enabled through its communications
- Any button must be pressed on the process instrument to enable the Infrared port for
4 minutes.
- There are no obstructions between the Infrared transmitter and the process
- There is only one process instrument with the device address selected in the P.I.E.
Communication Setup.
- The communications mode in the P.I.E. application must be set to Infrared. (Verify
by looking at mode displayed in lower left corner of P.I.E. display.)
Pocket PC:
- IMPORTANT: The beam checkbox in the Pocket PC must be unchecked. See
Start\Settings\Connection\Beam. Infrared communications will not work if box is
- A valid IR port address has been assigned through the Infrared Communications
Setup screen.
- Dell X5 Pocket PCs require a patch from the Dell website.
- Dell X3 Pocket PCs may require a patch from the Dell website.