3 - 11
options for the scanner or the base and to set the alarm duration, scan the appropriate bar code below and then set the time-out
duration (from 0-3000 seconds) by scanning digits on the Programming Chart inside the back cover, then scanning Save.
Default = 0 sec (no alarm).
Note: If you are out of range when you scan a bar code, you will receive an error tone even if you do not have the alarm set.
You receive the error tone since the data could not be communicated to the base or Access Point or the host.
Alarm Sound Type
You may change the alarm type for the scanner or a CCB01-010BT base by scanning the appropriate bar code below and
then scanning a digit (0-7) bar code and the Save bar code on the Programming Chart inside the back cover of this manual.
Default = 0.
The sounds are as follows:
Scanner Power Time-Out Timer
Note: Scanner Power Time-out Timer only applies to cordless systems. It does not apply to corded scanners.
When there is no activity within a specified time period, the scanner enters low power mode. Scan the appropriate scanner
power time-out bar code to change the time-out duration (in seconds).
Note: Scanning zero (0) is the equivalent of setting no time-out.
Note: The Access Point does not have a base alarm.
Setting Sound
0 3 long beeps, medium pitch
1 3 long beeps, high pitch
2 4 short beeps, medium pitch
3 4 short beeps, high pitch
4 single chirps, medium pitch
5 2 chirps, then 1 chirp, medium pitch
6 single chirps, high pitch
7 2 chirps, then 1 chirp, high pitch