7 - 10
Code 93 Append
This function allows the scanner to append the data from several Code 93 bar codes together before transmitting them to
the host computer. When this function is enabled, the scanner stores those Code 93 bar codes that start with a space
(excluding the start and stop symbols), and does not immediately transmit the data. The scanner stores the data in the
order in which the bar codes are read, deleting the first space from each. The scanner transmits the appended data when
it reads a Code 93 bar code that starts with a character other than a space. Default = Off.
Code 93 Code Page
Code pages define the mapping of character codes to characters. If the data received does not display with the proper
characters, it may be because the bar code being scanned was created using a code page that is different from the one the
host program is expecting. If this is the case, scan the bar code below, select the code page with which the bar codes were
created (see ISO 2022/ISO 646 Character Replacements on page A-7), and scan the value and the Save bar code from
the Programming Chart on the inside the back cover of this manual. The data characters should then appear properly.