Introducing the Switch
Front of the Switch
Introducing the Switch
Clear Button
This button is used for:
■ Deleting Passwords - When pressed by itself for at least one second, the
button deletes any switch console access passwords that you may have
configured. Use this feature if you have misplaced the password and need
console access. This button is provided as a convenience, however if you
are concerned with the security of the switch configuration and operation,
you should make sure the switch is installed in a secure location. This
button can be disabled by a CLI command.
■ Restoring Factory Default Configuration - See Reset Button above.
Console Port
This port is used to connect a console to the switch either by using the RJ-45
to DB9 cable or the DB9 to DB9 serial cable supplied with the switch. The
Series 6600-24G and 6600-24G-4XG Switches use the DB9 to DB9 serial cable
and the 6600-24XG Switch uses the RJ-45 to DB cable. This connection is
described under “Connect a Console to the Switch” in chapter 2, “Installing
the Switch.” The console can be a PC or workstation running a VT-100 terminal
emulator, or a VT-100 terminal.