
Unchangeable parameters:
WTRE WORM Tamper Read Enable. Controls the behavior of the drive when reading WORM
media if it appears that the integrity of the tape has been compromised by tampering.
WTRE has no effect on reads of normal (non-WORM) media.
0 Default: If no tampering has been detected, data is returned as normal.
If tampering has been detected, no data is returned in response to a READ
command or after the position of tamper. CHECK CONDITION is returned with
sense key of Medium Error and additional sense of 300Dh (WORM medium—
integrity check failed). TapeAlert flag 3Bh (medium error—integrity check failed)
is set. The Error Code field in the Error Usage page will be filled with the ASC/Q
of 300Dh.
1 Data is returned regardless of whether tampering has been detected on the
WORM cartridge. The bit should only be set as a last resort where data recovery
overrides concerns about WORM integrity.
Rewind on
00b A Logical Unit Reset does not alter the logical position.
01b A Logical Unit Reset will cause the tape to be rewound to BOT.
10b A Logical Unit Reset does not alter the logical position.
11b Reserved
PS 0
CAF 0 The Change Active Format flag should be zero since changing formats is not
Active Format 0 Changing formats is not supported.
Active Partition 0 Multiple partitions are not supported.
Write Buffer Full
0 Buffer management is done by the drive.
Read Buffer
Empty Ratio
0 Buffer management is done by the drive.
DBR 0 The Data Buffer Recovery flag should be clear since this feature is not supported.
BIS 1 The Block Identifiers Supported flag should be set since block identifiers are
Rsmk 0 The Report Set Marks flag should be clear since this feature is not supported.
AVC 0 The Automatic Velocity Control flag should be clear since velocity control is
managed by the drive.
SOCF 0 The Stop On Consecutive Filemarks flag should be clear since this feature is not
RBO 0 The Recover Buffer Order flag should be clear since this feature is not supported.
REW 0 The Report Early Warning on read flag should be clear since this feature is not
Gap Size 0 There is no concept of inter-block gaps in the format.
EOC Defined 0