Message In support
Name Code Support
Command Complete 00h This message is sent by the drive at the end of the status phase to
indicate that a command is complete. Once the message is sent, the
drive releases the bus and goes to Bus Free.
Disconnect 04h This message is sent by the drive to indicate that it is about to
disconnect from the bus and go to Bus Free. During a Data phase, it is
always pre-ceded by a Save Data Pointers message. If a Message
Reject message is received in response to this message, then the
disconnect is prevented.
Extended Message 01h See “Extended Message Support” below.
Identify 8
h The Identify In message is sent to the initiator during reconnect to
indicate which Logical Unit is reconnecting.
Ignore Wide Residue 23h This message is sent by the drive to the host to indicate that a byte on
a wide bus is not valid.
This is supported whenever a wide transfer is active. It should be sent
at the end of the data phase. The standard action of the drive is to
send this message between the data phase and the status phase with
no disconnect.
Message Reject 07h This message is sent to the initiator when the message received by the
drive is unsupported or inappropriate.
Restore Pointers 03h This message causes the initiator to reset its data transfer pointers to
the values they held when the last save data pointers message was
sent. It will be sent when a parity error is detected on the bus or when
an Initiator Detected Error message is received in order to retry the
data phase.
Save Data Pointers 02h This message instructs the initiator to save its current data transfer
pointers for use with a subsequent Restore pointers message. This
message will always be sent before a Disconnect message during
data phases.