The Status bytes that the drive returns are as follows:
00h GOOD: This status indicates that the drive has successfully completed the command.
02h CHECK CONDITION: Any error, exception, or abnormal condition that causes sense data to be
set returns CHECK CONDITION. The REQUEST SENSE command should be sent following
this status to determine the nature of the error.
04h CONDITION MET: This status will never be returned by an HP Ultrium tape drive.
08h BUSY: The drive is unable to execute the command at this time. Try again later. The drive tries
to avoid using this status code during normal operation. It can sometimes be used after
commands have been aborted, during power-on and if there are multiple selecting initiators.
10h INTERMEDIATE: This status will never be returned by an HP Ultrium tape drive.
14h INTERMEDIATE CND: This status will never be returned by an HP Ultrium tape drive.
18h RESERVATION CONFLICT: Returned if the drive is reserved by another party. See the
Reservation check.
22h COMAND TERMINATED: This status will never be returned by an HP Ultrium tape drive.